Thursday, March 8, 2012

Research & Resources

Skipping listing expenses for now and getting into more task-oriented things...

I have started compiling a list of meals for the month and used that to look up recipes to put together a shopping list for each 2-week grocery trip.  I love figuring out the logistics of everything, so it's been fun.  I'll let you know how my potato-bread attempt works out. =D

Not sure how this will pan-out, but I got a call from The Washington Post.  I cancelled my subscription last year when I got out of the couponing craze.  But I decided to sign up for the Sunday paper for $0.59/week for 26 weeks ($15.34).  I'm really hoping the cost-savings ends up offsetting that. 

This weekend will include a trip to BJ's Wholesale where we tend to get diapers, paper towels, and other bulky stuff.  I'd love anyone's take on this.  Without having to write down prices everywhere I go to compare, has anyone else done this and determined that it IS worth it for $50/year to renew my membership?  Their gigantic box of generic diapers for $25 seems very reasonable to me.  Either way, I think I'll budget it in this time and renew for this year. 

As of tomorrow (aka: payday), I'll shop around for our cloth-diapering supplies.  I'd also love advice on this venture.  I bought the liners for "catching" poop that are flushable.  We also have the standard Gerber cloth diapers (which we've used as burp cloths :).  But I'm looking for answers to the following: how many external covers should I buy; how many cloth diapers should I keep on-hand (since we tend to change Naomi after 1-2 pee cycles, I figure it would be more often with cloth?); are there general rules-of-thumb for using diaper rash cream (do certain ones stain, etc?); do I need pins to close the cloth diapers, or does the external cover secure it; and what kind of hamper should I use for storing the wet diapers between washes?  All of these things, I have no clue.

I was actually wondering about cloth-diapering running up our water bill, but I just read an article about doing dishes by hand vs. running the dishwasher and am wondering if I can correlate the cost of diapers vs. maching washing cloth ones.  I won't even attempt to do the actual analysis, but here's the one for dishes: 

Dishwashers Save Time & Money

Don't hand-wash dishes. Here's some priceless news for busy moms: It actually costs less money to run full loads in the dishwasher than to scrub dishes yourself. The savings increase if you own an Energy Star model.  Read more: Save More Money - Easy Ways to Save Money - Good Housekeeping

(Side-Note: I receive regular emails from Good Housekeeping titled "Good Advice".  I don't always browse, but some tips come in handy :)

Starting last shopping trip, I decided to venture to the $1 store for some basics.  I loved getting a box of freezer bags for $1, but I didn't like seeing that the hand soap I bought was made in China.  They don't carry the free and clear dryer sheets, laundry soap, or dish soap that I prefer for us, but I haven't ruled the store out completely.  We shall see.  I have been getting that kind of stuff when I go to Shoppers, but is Walmart cheaper?  It might take me going to 3 different stores, but I think I'll need to do it. I know our toilet paper is actually a few bucks cheaper at Shoppers than BJ's (I think because it's not a bulk pack - just the 12-roll one).  I actually just had an epiphony, but will post it later if actually works out. =D

Aside from groceries, I called my credit card company, and they won't reduce my APR from 13.24% but will re-evaluate it in 4-6 months... lovely. 

Just went through Verizon to change our plan to reduce that bill by about $10.  And I want to send back a non-HD box we haven't used in about a year.  That'll knock a few bucks off too.  At first I went online to reduce our plan, but then I called an agent and was able to get our same package but for the online price of the package that had fewer channels.  Works for me!

Already changed the cell phone plan with T-Mobile.  We've been with them forever, so any other carrier will just not do with the perks we get now.  Once I make it home, I won't need a data plan, so that'll take a little bit off down the road.

Added the Taurus to our Geico insurance,which made it jump by $40, but we'll be taking the van off soon, so hopefully that will help a little.  Still have inspections and registrations to make this month though... Another pay period will come and go, but my endeavors will keep on. :)

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