Wednesday, March 28, 2012

DIY Projects Are A GO

This is definitely a slow-moving process, but several blessings have stewed and some hoped-for.  Dave's been able to bring in extra money, which should eliminate one credit card completely and put a good dent in the waterproofing debt!  The hoped-for aspect is that those funds can actually be used for that purpose and not on owed taxes.  We have yet to file but are hoping for a sizeable return...Okay - ANY return vs. owing.  =D

Last shopping trip, I was actually able to stay within budget!  There were 2 contributing factors. 1) Having a plan for 8 meal-ideas (since I concluded at least 50% of the time, we have leftovers as the next day's dinner), and this would definitley cover 2 weeks worth of dinners and my lunches.  2) Making baby wipes.

My goal in making our own basic household items now is to, of course, prepare for the future goal of staying home and living on a modified budget.  I am so grateful for our dual-income and the ability to play with these ideas while the funds permit.  So, here we go...

Not having to buy baby wipes helped with staying within budget last time since I only lacked one ingredient needed to make them myself (baby oil, which was like $3).  I've been making them but had to modify the recipe.  I realized the original solution doesn't get the wipes as wet as I'd like, so I found another one and asked Dave to try it out today with Katie to assist so she can have some fun with it. 
  • Combine and shake up in a closed container the following:
    • 2 cups water, 2 Tbsp baby shampoo, 1 Tbsp baby oil (which I bought the one with Vitamin E and aloe [I think]), and 1 tsp of alcohol - which I like the thought of antiseptic-wise, and I think it being such a small amount that it won't be painful on rash-occassions. We shall see.
    • Original recipe: 1 cup water, 1 Tbsp baby shampoo, 1 Tbsp baby oil (and ended up pouring a little water on the inside of the roll.
  • Cut 1 roll of Viva paper towels in half
    • Remove the cardboard
    • Dust off the lint from cutting it
  • Smoosh the roll into the solution (flipping it over, etc.)
  • Place the roll in a plastic container with the cut-side facing down so the smooth side is what you see.  
  • Pull the sheets from the center of the roll (as you would your Lysol wipes, etc.)
  • Store in a closed container (which should be easily accessible during emergency diaper-changes!)
I didn't think it would work putting them into the regular wipes container, but the 2nd attempt after trial/error totally worked.  I molded the roll and smooshed it into the container, and the wipes pull out from the center perfectly.  The roll is snug enough so the sheets come up and can be torn on the perforated lines, but loose enough to not be pulling off ripped bits as you're trying to get them out. 

I also plan on making our laundry detergent and dishwasher soap.  We will need laundy detergent with the next shopping trip, so I'll be buying the ingredients instead.  We can hold off on the dishwasher soap, but I'll already have the primary ingredients (as they are the same as the laundry detergent!).  The most useful ones I found are below.  If anyone has input, let me know.  I opted for powder because it seems the fastest/easiest!

Laundry Detergent (powder)
  • Grate 2 cups of bar soap (will likely be Ivory)
  • 1 cup 20 Mule Borax
  • 1 cup Arm & Hammer washing soda
  • (use 2 Tbsp per load)
Dishwasher Detergent (powder)
  • 1 cup 20 Mule Borax
  • 1 cup A&H washing soda
  • 1 pack of unsweetened powdered lemonade
  • (use 1 Tbsp per load)
  • (and put vinegar in as a rinse agent once a week, which I should be doing anyway!)
I love the idea of getting Katie involved in making the wipes.  If I can get her to keep gloves on (and maybe a mask =D), I'll see how she does with the detergents. 

I'm feeling more frugal every pay-period. =D

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