Thursday, May 31, 2012

Gracious Response

As the end to our waterproofing debt approached last month, we realized we still owed more than we thought.  We had allocated those funds elsewhere since we thought it was already considered paid off.  We have a practice of making the minimum payments well in advance of when they were due, but this time around had to wait...

To add to the mix, a double mortgage payment went out last month, and we have gone through 4 weeks of back-and-forth with the banks to get it returned.  Finally, I was notified today that these funds will be available tomorrow [which will pay off the overdraft that was pushed to our credit card].

When allocating our bill payments for the month, I knew what recent paychecks amounted to, but with the due date approaching for the waterproofing payment, I had to throw it on there even though (in theory) it wouldn't be accounted for.  I acknowledged to our Provider the specific amount needed...

In recent weeks, Dave has worked grueling overime.  It isn't until after-the-fact we can see the blessing of it. 

Tomorrow we will be able to pay the minimum payment due for the waterproofing and the remaining balance on the account to completely pay it off!  God knew our goal was to pay it off within 1 year while it was interest-free, and He saw the number I typed up for what needed to be covered this week.  He has been gracious in meeting our need to get rid of this hindrance. 

In what seems like an endless storm, there are momentary breaks in the clouds that shine light on the situation to give hope for the end-result. 

To continue on this Road to Reward, adjustments to the budget are needed and sacrifices in regard to our time; however, our needs have always been met in one way or another (right on time), and we are so thankful to Him who provides... overtime, side-work, babysitters + grandparents, an understanding boss, and everything else. 

This is my story, and I'm sticking to it!